Business cards are an essential marketing and networking tool that is still extremely effective, if not necessary, in today's digital world. Handing someone a well designed business card with the proper information can make the difference in them picking up the phone or throwing your card in the nearest trash bin along with that old gum wrapper they found in their pocket.
What is a business card?
It is a small card, printed with ones name and contact information. Often including a logo of the business they work for.Shape and size of business cards can range slightly, but the standard business card is 3.5" x 2" inches - about the same size as a credit card. Despite the small size, you can still get your message across without the need to pack your card with information.
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Business cards are made to fit into someones wallet. |
5 things every business card should have
All business cards should include at least these five things, if applicable. A professional design can also help to communicate this information effectively and reduce your chances of your business card going from a potential leads hand to the trash bin."Business cards are an essential marketing tool that is still extremely effective in today's digital world." Tweet this
#1. Your Logo
Your brand should be easily recognizable at a quick glance.#2. Your Name
Let them know who to contact.#3. Contact Method
Have an easy way for them to contact you.
#4. Website Address
Give them a way to get all the information they want.
#5. Physical Address
Let them know where your office is located or how to find your storefront.
What if there is more information I want on my business card?
If you have additional information that you think should be included on your business card, the back side of the card is a great place for any extras. like social media links, an online promotion code or appointment slots.
Want to know more? Watch the video
Visit Skyberry on YouTube to watch '5 Things Every Business Card Should Have', presented by Creative Director, Lacey Johnston.
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